Product Center

Flat-panel solar water heating system and distributed photovoltaic power generation

Full channel vertical inlay type

Nano electroplated endothermic coating. 96 dense channels are formed, with fast heat absorption, small thermal resistance and improved heat conduction efficiency.

Forced circulation type - Jinpin

Forced circulation type - Jinpin

Natural circulation (vacuum tube type)

Natural circulation (vacuum tube type)

Centralized hot water project

Universal angle: it is not affected by the site, and the horizontal installation of the collector is not divided into directions, with 360 degrees of lighting, which can make greater use of the site;

3kw power station

Use clean and renewable natural energy for solar power generation, do not consume non-renewable, carbon-containing fossil energy with limited resources, and use no greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions, in harmony with the ecological environment, in line with the sustainable development strategy of economy and society;

5kw power station

Use clean and renewable natural energy for solar power generation, do not consume non-renewable, carbon-containing fossil energy with limited resources, and use no greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions, in harmony with the ecological environment, in line with the sustainable development strategy of economy and society;

PV module production line

IP68 junction box and connector: IP68 junction box and connector are highly waterproof and can effectively resist harsh environment;

Vertical photovoltaic water heater

Stable water flow, no cold water interval: the discharged water flow is very stable, and there will be no intermittent cold and hot water when the water comes out, and the cold shower in winter will also be avoided.

Accessories system

IP68 junction box and connector: IP68 junction box and connector are highly waterproof and can effectively resist harsh environment;

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